Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Part 2: Possibly Spiked Coffee, Birdseed & "What the hell is that?"

Why Part 2?  
Because I have a brand new, "What the hell is that?"
Here's a sneak preview:

As a recap, there's possibly, allegedly spiked coffee...

 Birdseed and little birds ...

Bigger birds (formerly the "What the hell is that?") ...

And, now a very BIG BIRD ...

Oops!  Wait, how did that get there? 
I'll try again...

Here's the new, "What the hell is that?"

This, my friends, is an Emu!

The second largest bird in the world and native to Australia, not here in North America.  Interestingly, it so happens to be my neighbor's pet that has been on the run for two weeks.  This said neighbor lives down a long driveway and I actually don't know them very well ... obviously.

So, now I'm wondering, "What will I see out my window next?"

If you like your coffee/tea spiked, then grab a mug and download a copy of Going Barefoot in Greener Grass, a novel by yours truly. 
(that's me, Audry Fryer ... no "e" in my first name)


Comments Welcome and Encouraged! I would love to hear your thoughts, reactions or just say, "hi".